Hi. I’m Teri – Personal Development Consultant – and I want you to be happy.

I help women achieve their goals through my transformational tailored consultations on: Personal Branding . Social Etiquette . Sexuality. I help women discover and define their own Personal Brand.

I used to struggle with the idea of personal branding because people would often misjudge me. What gave them these skewed ideas though, was perception. People often draw their own conclusions just by looking at you. Yes it’s judgmental, but it happens. I learned to embrace it all, and build more of an awareness of myself, for myself.

I discovered that ‘duality’ is a word that sums me up.

I’m respectful yet can be irreverent, unconventional yet traditional, extroverted yet introverted, and the list goes on. I’m also firm but fair, and always ensure a judgment-free zone; one built on trust and understanding of Clients and their unique needs.

I work with women who are ready to put the effort in! I go hard for you as my Client and I expect that same effort from you for yourself. My melting pot background – a mix of the sciences, psychology, the arts, languages, sports and more – along with over 10 years in management and supervisory fields, has served me well and revealed a calling to help other women on their journey.


Maybe what brought you here was my 30-Day Reinvention Guided Journal, or maybe you Googled something like “personal branding consultants,” “personal development,” or “image reinvention.” No matter the reason, you are searching for something, and you may not even know what just yet. Perhaps you’re feeling stuck or frustrated with life, or want to make changes but aren’t even sure where to start.

Not knowing is normal. The good news is that you’ve taken steps to get even this far, and you recognize that you need a bit of help to reach your goals.

This means you’re at a point where you’re self-motivated, ready and willing to do the work to dig deep and allow your unique story to unfold. You get to decide on your personal brand.

“It’s not about HAVING to do or change anything, but about expanding your arsenal of knowledge so you can pull from it IF and WHEN you want to” I always say.

– Knowledge?

– Success?

– Power?

– Wealth?

Take charge of your own destiny and have it all!

Become confident and proactive, with tailored tools, techniques and resources. The principles you’ll learn in our premium private 1-on-1 coaching sessions are all essential to see real results, so let’s explore the possibilities…


We’re all a bit different, so I believe in tailoring each person’s experience to their needs. I’ve always found that people open up best when in a private setting where they are free to be honest with themselves first and foremost. We all get overwhelmed and confused about which path we should take, what to do, where to start, especially when there are so many information sources.

That’s why I offer personalized private 1-on-1 consultations. During these coaching sessions, it’s just us. NO distractions – allowing you to focus on your goals and achieving them. We explore real, usable solutions for real, lasting results.

Commit and immerse yourself in the experience, and see results. Everyone who knows me, knows that I’m big on teaching principles. I absolutely love knowing that my Clients are becoming more and more self-sufficient during and after consultations. I’m not trying to keep you here forever you know. Along with me teaching principles, you get in-depth guidance to reach where you want to be.

Expand your arsenal, become that social butterfly if you want, step up your game. With clear steps you become empowered and can rise like the phoenix!

Put in the work, gain the know-how to go after what you are seeking!

– Reinventing yourself or image

– Earning more money

– Starting a business, or anything else!

This journey isn’t a quick-fix or shortcut to your goals, or to get rich fast. Quick-fixes can have a place, but results can be fleeting. By the end of your journey, I want you to be proud of your progress, and what you have accomplished!



Finding the topics to discuss with Teri was easy, but building up the courage to attend the first session was difficult. As I’m not used to expressing my fears, finances and plans for the future, the thought of doing such was dreadful.

However, after our first meeting it felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders and I was looking forward for the discussions to come.

Rather than giving me the answers, she guided me to the conclusions I already knew but avoided tackling. I’m still a work in progress and I still “tack-back” into old habits, but I have seen a growth in the way I reflect and handle situations. She also guided me on how to handle one of my biggest yearly expenses, which me, and my pockets are very grateful for.

If you’re an over-thinker or someone that needs that push to get you to reach your goals, this is the course for you.

M. Sobers

I was able to start a food business I had been thinking about for a while, but never knew where to start. I felt like I had no money, no help, no support, or anything.

I got so many great practical steps and tips to get started, just from my sessions, and she was right about MINDSET being a huge part of everything. I still need some help with the etiquette part but I’m a work in progress lol.


I got a raise!

Teri wanted a few people to review the 30-Day Reinvention Guided Journal before officially publishing to Amazon. I discovered new things about myself  from the introduction. I didn’t realise something as simple as not forgiving myself for past mistakes was holding me back. Also faced some hard truths, but it was worth it. I gained the confidence I needed to push for a raise at work that I never would have gone after, and I got it!


I thought I just needed a quick image reinvention, but boy was I in for a surprise. I’m more old-school, so not too big on all the fancy terms, but I had so much fun learning about Personal Branding. Especially the way it was put across. I no longer dread opening my closet, or feeling like I’m “dressing too old or too young.” My style suits me and I’m loving it! I love my personal brand. My friends even come to me for tips now. It’s a huge turnaround.



Schedule Free Discovery Call

Book your free 30-minute discovery call to find out more about how you can define your Personal Brand.

How Can I Help? Send Me a Message

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Looking for an affordable jump-start? Check out my ’30-Day Reinvention’ Guided Journal on

Interested in having other options created (such as an eBook version or plain journal)? Get in touch. I’d love to help!


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